VP Bank e-banking users with domicile outside the USA can access to their account and asset information with a mobile device at anytime.
Details and features:
• Asset overview with all positions and position details in your portfolio
• Charts of your assets grouped by category, sector and risk currency
• Account statement with the account entry details
• Access to the e-Post documents
• Overviews for the several transaction types
• Enter, approve or cancel stock market orders
• Enter, approve or cancel payments
• Scanning of payment slips
• Announce, approve of DTA orders
• Activate, deactivate and cancel of standing orders
• Receive and send of messages with attachments
• Enter of alias designations
• Notifications via Push message
• Easy way to start a phone call with the e-banking hotline from your location
No customer names are showed due to security reasons. Aliases can be entered instead of names. The
alias can be defined within VP Bank e-banking or in case of an e-banking plus contract, the superuser can define the alias. Therefore a maximum of discretion can be guaranteed.
• Valid e-banking contract
• Mobile phone with Android OS Version 2.3 or higher
Activation and Login:
1. As an e-banking plus user, your login to e-banking mobile has to be activated by your superuser at first.
2. Please start e-banking mobile and enter your user name and password. Afterwards, please hold the VP Bank Security Token against screen of your mobile device and login with the generated code. The first login requires the confirmation of the “Security advice e-banking mobile”.
Important security advice:
1. Protect your mobile phone with a PIN code: please use the auto-lock function and a passcode lock which can be defined on your mobile phone. Thereby, the mobile phone can be protected from unauthorized use by strangers.
2. Never disclose the security features for e-banking mobile: VP Bank will never send any request by e-mail or other channels to disclose security features such as password or username.
No information regarding the client is saved on the device.
Legal information
We explicitly point out: Through the download and installation process as well as the use of the application and hereby connected points to third parties (e.g. Google Play, network operators, device manufacturer) a client relationship to the VP Bank can be derived. Third parties (e.g. Google) could hereby draw conclusions regarding an existing, a former or a future business relationship between the mobile device user and the VP Bank. The bank secrecy can not be guaranteed because of a possible disclosure of the bank relationship or bank information obverse third parties (e.g. lost of the smartphone).
The client or service user acknowledges that by using e-banking mobile from abroad he may in some circumstances violate the law of his country of domicile, such as import and export restrictions for encryption algorithms, or other foreign law, or that the use of the bank‘s e-banking mobile services is prohibited. It is the responsibility of the client to find out whether this is the case. The bank accepts no liability in this regard.
This application is exclusively intended for clients of VP Bank in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, BVI and Singapore. Costs from the mobile phone provider could occur through the download or the use of the application.